Our Process

How we do it

We carefully consider the target market and their lifestyle before making any recommendations regarding staging, enabling us to position the property in such a way that enables us to maximize the potential of your property. 

Here's what to expect when working with us:

1. Appointment

If you are reading this then most likely the appointment has already taken place. JAG works on recommendation from our agents rather than advertising so most likely this appointment process has been made by one of our trusted Real Estate Agents.

During this appointment of normally thirty minutes we will discuss the process of styling, take measurements of all rooms and take pictures for our records.


Within 24 hours of the appointment, you, the client, will receive our quote. If you want to go ahead with our services we just require a return email.

This will also have details of how many rooms are to be staged and, most importantly for you, the price.


This will normally be done with JAG liaising with your Agent. Hire periods start at 5 weeks for the initial hire and can be extended as needed.

We normally need a week’s notice to organise quotes and installation.


Now it’s time for the trucks to roll and the team to begin the set up. All trades need to have finished by now. Sorry, we like to do this without any one watching 🙂We normally finish in time for a same day photo shoot, which is arranged by your Agent and added to the web the next day.


Once the property is under contract we can start to discuss the removal of the goods. This is normally done in liaison with your Real Estate Agent.

6. Payment

Payment is to be made 48 hours prior to installation. The details are on the tax invoice.

Want to Know More?

Need help with your home styling? Just reach out and we will get right back to you.